Friday, August 28, 2009

Whatsa Matter?

Whatsa Matter? or, what is matter? Matter, by definition should be something that take up space and had mass. But sometimes it can be pretty unclear what it really is. electricity? heat? It might take you a little more time to think about it. The Measurement in Chemistry lab was also pretty fun. we had to compare objects and guess their volume and mass. It was pretty funny because sometimes my guesses were really close, like 2-3% away and other times it was 50% error. It was fun though because I was able to work with s fun table group and it was also interesting just to learn how to use the scale and it was cool to see just how exact you can be; up to the hundredth digit. Now, I also learned to calculate my percent error which was also interesting to learn.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Copper into Gold?

In Chemistry the other day, we did a penny lab where we turned the penny into gold. Not real gold of course but It was still cool to watch the penny change from copper to silver to gold. We first soaked the penny in heated zinc, which coated the penny, so that when we took it out it was silver color. Then, we were able to place the penny into fire and after 10-20 seconds or so the penny turned the color gold. I thought this was very interesting because I've never done something like this before. Even though the penny was the color gold, I dont think I created real gold because real gold melts or bends in fire. However, if I kept the penny in long enough it would begin to crumble. Even though I didn't creat real gold, it was still facinating to watch and examine.

Goals and Passions

My goals...what are my goals...goals for highschool, goals for life. One of my goals is to graduate high school and get into a four year U.C. I want to get a P.H.D in whatever I'm majoring in. I want to become either a teacher or a doctor. I want to excell in whatever I do and make as many people as I can happy :) Also somtime in the near future I would like to go to Hawaii, just because I've never been there before. Something over the course of high school i want to improve is my public speaking and problem sloving in math, and hopefully chem will help me with that.