Friday, October 23, 2009

Flame Test Lab

PRETTY COLORS!!!!!! the lab was really cool because we fist dipped a thin steel wand in a chemical and as we put it in the fire, the fire changed color. Depending on the chemical, that determined the color of the temporary flame, ranging from red to green. It was really cool just to watch the flickering flames changing from the normal blue flame to green to yellow to orange. We talked about the different waves in class like light waves, microwaves, and infrared waves and how we can see some waves but most of them we cant.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Little Detour to Medieval Knights

hey, so taking a little break from chemistry now. let's, life is really good right now. Mostly stressing over the english arthurian project because my topic is really specific: talking about a knight's daily life. I guess I could've chosen something with more information, but I really wanted to know what knights do everyday. It's not as much info as I wanted but I'll try to make my presentaion longer...and my essay was only 2 1/2 pgs in stead of 3! >.< i hope i do well tomorrow....

Friday, October 9, 2009

Einstein's Big idea

We watched the movie of Einstein's Big Idea. It was about the discovery of the famous equation: E=mc2. It broke down each symbol and gave a background of how each (E=energy, m=matter, and c=the speed of light) and the important people in discovering each symbol necessary for the equation. It was really informative as well as entertaining because besides just saying the information, it was almost like a movie with commentary which held us in interested attention all the while learning at the same time. This movie really helps to understand this classic equation which many people know of, but do not fully comprehend. It's a nice break from all the chem labs we do in class but it was very educational and fun and definitely captured even the most uninterested student's attention. :)