Saturday, April 17, 2010

I Propose We Burn Money! =]

Did you say burn money?! YUP! Here's how you do it...

-dollar bill
-a lighter
-salt, or to color the flame: use Potassium Chloride for a purple flame, or Copper Chloride for a green flame

1. Make a solution with 50mL of water and 50mL of alcohol.
2. Mix in a pinch of salt or chemical of choice to color the flame.
3. Soak the dollar bill in the solution of water, alcohol, and salt until it is completely wet.
4. Use the tongs to hold the bill and move it away from the solution.
5. Light the dollar bill on fire; watch and wait until the fire burns out.

Safety Precautions:
-wear goggles, just in case!
-have an easy access to water near by in case you burn yourself.
-use tongs to prevent burning yourself
-have an adult near by if you are a minor.
-ask for help if needed.

The Science Behind It:
C2H5OH + 4 O2 -> 2 CO2 + 3 H2O + energy
The alcohol is what burns, instead of the dollar bill itself. The flame is also not hot enough to burn the water, since water has a high heat capacity. Therefore, since the water is not burned away, the dollar bill itself does not burn either. In the end, the flame burns out itself, leaving a damp dollar bill.

Monday, April 12, 2010


So over spring break I went to Hawaii! it was amazing!! it was my first time there and I had the best time! The weather was so warm, I wore shorts and a tank top all day; even when it rained it was still comfortable. The first three days I went to Oahu. The beaches were beautiful and I did a lot of shopping and walking around. I also went to Pearl Harbor and the Polynesian Cultural Center. At the PCC, there were simulations of the different Polynesian islands from Hawaii to Tonga. There was also a night show, exhibiting different types of traditional hula dances that were pretty cool. Then I went to Maui and Maui was just spectacular! We stayed at the Fairmont KeiLani. It was so nice, and the service and people were super friendly and all willing to help you. I went horseback riding and snorkeling...although I ended up getting seasick and threw up, so that kind of ruined the entire day for me. the food in Maui was delicious!! I also went to a luau which was super cool and there was the most beautiful sunset there! At the luau they cooked the kalua pig, which is the main course, in the ground for the whole day and when the luau started they dug it out of the ground and served it. Overall I thought the trip was great!! I can't wait to go back, and maybe I'll try the big island this time!