Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hot or Cold?

DRY ICE!!!! It's so cold that it burns when you hold it for any length of time. We put it in soppy water and bubbles just started erupting, almost like a volcano except the lava was the bubbles. Once the bubbles popped it didn't become liquid, but dispersed into that white mist you sometimes see during a rock band concert. Then we put the dry ice into a tank and blew bubbles over it. As the bubbles floated down, right before it reached the bottom, it floated up in mid air, kind of bounced up and down and then just hung there, floating in the air, not moving up or down. It was so cool! :) Another thing we did was put the dry ice in a big basin filled with water and liquid soap. We used a cloth and ran it on top of the bowl like a cover and a big bubble that covered the entire opening of the container was formed. The gas from the ic began to expand the soap buble and the buble began to creep over the sides of the basin so that it looked like a giant mushroom or domw. Then it popped and all of a sudden theres was all this mist in the air and a whole bunch of laughter. ^_^

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