Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sf Chinese New year Parade

Yesterday was the San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade! I went as part of dragon team and it was so much fun. I have a lot of friends on the team so I got to hang out with them a little as well as create a lot of memories. It was really nice to hear the kids laughing on the streets and everyone seemed to enjoy the parade. It was really hot and we had to do a lot of running but it was worth hearing the joy around me and knowing what I was doing was bringing a lot of happiness to other people. After the parade the whole team went to Four Seas Restaurant to eat dinner. It just so happens my former classmate’s parents own the restaurant and she was there eating dinner with her family too since she was in the parade so it was cool to see my old friend again. The dinner was a lot of fun and I got to meet new people who sat at my table. It was nice too because they gave presents to all the people who headed the team like Mr. Philips, Mrs. Wu, and a lot of other important people who were involved, so it was very sentimental too. I really can’t wait for next year because next year I think I want to do music instead of the body. I’m glad I decided to join this year because now I have something to look forward to every year and since I know a lot of people in the group, this will create even more memories for me to look back upon.

Friday, February 12, 2010

homegoing rally!!!

Today was a really fun day. We had a double fourth schedule and homegoing rally. There were so many dancing groups. i think this was the best rally this year. From Team Rocket to Encore to Mills High's own dance class and cheer team, all the dances were really really cool. The teachers even did a dance to Michael Jackson's song, Beat It. There was a lot school spirit and the atmosphere in general was just awesome. The band played and the mascots were great, and the national anthem was sung by the lead actors of Mills High School's spring musical: Smile. I think my favorite part was watching the second generation of Supreme Soul on America's Best Crew: the Academy of villains. They pulled off some super cool dance moves and everyone was going crazy! Overall, i think today was pretty awesome. :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010


GUESS WHAT?! we might become the undefeated champions in our basketball league if we win our game against Burlingame High School (knock on wood). We have worked so hard for this! I can't believe this is our last game!! It's actually my last game on the Mills High School Girls JV team, so hopefully this will be a good one. I actually haven't been playing all that great, so hopefully i can step it up. My next sport is swimming, and im SUPER excited for that! I'm kind of scared because there's a new coach and they've been practicing for almost two weeks now, so hopefully i can make up the difference in my effort and hard work. Wish me luck tomorrow! :)


STOICHIOMETRY! I think this has definitely got to be the easiest unit we've done so far! It's basically balancing equations! the only thing you have to know is g X to mol X to mol Y to g Y. It's plugging in numbers and doing the calculations. I actually really enjoy this unit and hopefully, we'll get to do more of this. I already talked about the lab that accompanied this in my previous blog. Anyways, i was so excited about it, I finished 3 whole pages of stoichiometry problems in one day, and the packet is even due unitl next week! :D

Magnesium Oxide

wow i haven't blogged in few weeks! sorry! anyways, today we did this lab with magnesium oxide and it was pretty cool because we got to see real sparks fly and gas being burned and all that cool stuff. We had carefully measured out a specific amount of magnesium and put it into the bottom of a crucible. then we lit a flame and turned on the gas and cooked it until the magnesium oxidized. The way to check was to lift the lid of the crucible and if there was smoke coming out or the magnesium was brightly lit then that meant it wasn't done cooking. It was cool to see how bright the magnesium got just being exposed to the air for a few seconds. I think that was just the best part: seeing the reaction of the magnesium and the oxygen was cool enough :)