Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sf Chinese New year Parade

Yesterday was the San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade! I went as part of dragon team and it was so much fun. I have a lot of friends on the team so I got to hang out with them a little as well as create a lot of memories. It was really nice to hear the kids laughing on the streets and everyone seemed to enjoy the parade. It was really hot and we had to do a lot of running but it was worth hearing the joy around me and knowing what I was doing was bringing a lot of happiness to other people. After the parade the whole team went to Four Seas Restaurant to eat dinner. It just so happens my former classmate’s parents own the restaurant and she was there eating dinner with her family too since she was in the parade so it was cool to see my old friend again. The dinner was a lot of fun and I got to meet new people who sat at my table. It was nice too because they gave presents to all the people who headed the team like Mr. Philips, Mrs. Wu, and a lot of other important people who were involved, so it was very sentimental too. I really can’t wait for next year because next year I think I want to do music instead of the body. I’m glad I decided to join this year because now I have something to look forward to every year and since I know a lot of people in the group, this will create even more memories for me to look back upon.

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