Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mills Creek Canyon Park!!!!

On Thursday all of Mr. Olson's class took a field trip to Mills Creek Canyon Park. As you can see in the map below, we walked all the way there. I can assure you, that the walk up Martinez Dr. was not easy. It was fun though, just being able to take a break from the classroom and enjoy the sun and everything else nature had to offer. There were about 150 some kids I think, so it was kinda of chaotic, but still awesome to hang out with friends. It was hot because we were walking up pretty steep hills and all, and the ground was muddy from the rain the previous day, but I think most of us did not mind it so much.

I didn't see many animals, well, actually, I saw a dead lizard in the street and a rolly polly but no birds or little critters. I did get to enjoy the green trees, and beautiful flowers that were in full bloom. They were gorgeous! The view was also pretty cool and we could see the houses and the airport at one point in the hike.

We walked around following the trail for an hour and then we ate lunch and socialized. Some people went back down to the creek and I know my friends found this secret trial of some sort and played in a hammock that was hanging on the tree. I had to leave early because of a swim meet, but overall it was't so bad. I was really tired after we got because of all the walking, but I think it was a good kind of tired.

Here's a map of the route we took from Mills to the Park. Make sure you click on the icons because I've put pictures of me and my friends on them.

View Mills Creek Canyon Park in a larger map

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