Friday, November 20, 2009

Lewis Dot Strucures!

This week we began to learn about Lewis Dot Structures. It was really a neat way to draw out and visualize how the various atoms connected and shared their valence electrons. In the beginning I guess it took a while to catch on but once i fully understood it, it seemed so easy. and simple. I began to see how some of the things we've been learning come together, like how each group had a certain number of valence electrons and the different bonds atoms form, like covalent bonds, versus ionic or metallic bonds. It was fun making the structures too, trying to figure out how to fit the atoms all together with various bonds, double bonds, or even triple bonds. We also learned about HONC1234 which I thought was a really cool way to remember which families have a certain amount of valence electrons. It's been really fun this week , which is a little surprising because I don't especially like chemistry too much but it was a nice change for once.

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