Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sweet Sixteen!

It's my birthday Saturday and that's also our first basketball game against Lincoln high school :) This week I guess I'm really excited, I find myself thinking it's Monday when it's tuesday and thinking it's Thursday when it's Wednesday. Maybe it's because my birthday is coming up. Surprisingly, I'm not even doing anything special even though I'm turning 16. Just dinner, maybe. On Sunday I am going to a birthday party but not for my birthday, but I still can't wait, because all my friends are going to be there, and it should be a lot of fun :) I really hope we win saturday, that would just be an added happiness to my already happy day i guess. There's actually a lot of people's birthdays around mine. I know people with birthdays on Dec, 2, 4-8.

Anyways, on Friday we have a big chem test on molecules and polarity and all that stuff. There are some things that are really easy, but others I just don't get it. Hopefully I don't do so bad on this test so it will raise my grade right before finals week...because I really want to do well this semester. I want to have at least 6 A's and 1 B. hopefully :)

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