Thursday, March 11, 2010

Three Day Weekend!!! :] plus heat transfer

So tomorrow we don't have have school because of staff recess, so that means no school Friday!!! The only thing is that I don't think im doing anything tomorrow, just boring. Oh well, anyways, so in chem we've been doing heat transfer and I get about half of the unit, and the test is Monday :[ The first half is using the equation Q=mc(delta T), which is how you can calculate the amount of energy an object has given off, this is calorimetry. We learned how to calculate the engery given off from the different stages of matter, liquid, solid, and gas. It's kind of interesting, and I like it because it's similar to stochiometry, in that you just plug in the numbers, so it's simple to understand. The second part of this unit is heat transfer the trying to figure out equilibrium. We are suppose to use Le Chatelier's Prinicple, which is: "if a system at equilibrium is disturbec, the system shifts to counter the effect of the disturbance." I kind of understand it, but it still confuses me when you have to determine the euqilibria if the pressure or temperature is increased or decreased. I guess I just have to play the chemistry games to study. I hope I can understand it in time for the test....

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